July Birthstone: Ruby

July Birthstone: Ruby

Congratulations for July babies!
It’s the month of ruby!

We all know that ruby is definitely one of the most famous gemstones you can find in several pieces of jewelry. Yet, do you know that ruby wins the 2nd place of durability and hardness just after diamond?

Adding to that fact, rubies are considered as corundum like sapphire. However, only red corundum is called ruby and every other color is classified as sapphire. Which tells us how unique rubies are! On the other hand, the word ruby comes from ‘ruber,’ the Latin word for red.

This gemstone symbolizes love, energy, passion, power, and zest. No doubt that it represents power and wealth. People also believe that ruby brings harmony, confidence, and success.

Additionally, high-quality ruby over 10 carats even costs more than a diamond with similar size. Large rubies are rarer than same sized diamonds, isn’t that surprising?

Rubies are one of Narcisa Pheres’s favorite color stones to use, as well as her birthstone, which is where the love for this immaculate gemstone comes through in her designs.

Let’s have a glance at our Narcisa Fine Ruby Jewelry Pieces adorned by stunning celebrities.

If you’re looking for a colorstone which is one of the upcoming trends for Summer 2019, why not consider ruby? Easy to wear in both casual daily and night out outfits!