Jewelry Color Trends for 2020

Jewelry Color Trends for 2020

We can all use some color in our life lately. Colors are a powerful communication tool, that expresses feelings and exudes emotions. Understanding the psychology behind colors can help to emote stronger and more powerful designs.

Color in jewelry has been a fascination since the kaleidoscope of vivid hues first appeared. Colored gems are admired for their beauty and stature. These enchanting colors illustrate opulent taste and everlasting reign.

Discover how the top jewelry color trends are shaping fine jewelry designs in 2020!

Sunglow Yellow: The color of happiness, joy and warmth. They standout and work great as a statement piece in the design.
Forest Green: The color evokes harmony and life. The fascinating luster creates a statement around white diamonds.
Carnation Pink: A softer hue than red, associated with femininity, romance and delicateness.
Raw Sienna Gold: An effortless and versatile color that brings warmth and ease. The natural rose gold tint brings softness.
Turquoise Blue: The color denotes freshness and calming energy. Can work as a statement alone or with other lighter hues.
Tan Gold: A neutral color that can be paired as a complement to any other color. The warmness evokes balance and uniformity.
Midnight Blue: A celestial feeling formed by the rich deep hues. Can be incorporated into large dramatic designs creating an aura of opulence.
Fern Green: The color associated to nature that brings renewing feelings. The vibrancy denotes to positive energy from natural environment.
Magenta Pink: Vividness from the undertones of red creates an uplifting spirit. The color attracts the eye instantly coalescing creativity with mysteriousness.
Vivid Purple: A color long associated with royalty brings power and stability. The extraordinary hues bring mystery and magic.
Shamrock Green: The serenity of the color symbolizes good luck and fortune. The hue found in various gemstones such as emeralds, demantoid garnet or green topaz draws the eye and captivates the mind. (Image Source: International Gem Society)
Milky White: The purity and innocence of white never goes out of trend. White colorless diamonds is an all time favorite with no seasonal limits. The translucent “milk” appearance showcases simplicity and regal qualities.

What’s your favorite color trend you’re most excited to incorporate in your style?