July Birthstone: Ruby
July Birthstone: Ruby
July is the time for new beginnings – beautiful weather, signifies summer and all of its radiant glory. It also is the birthstone month for the ruby – one of our favorite gemstones here at PHERES.
Through the ages, the ruby has represented nobility, purity, and passion. From ancient times through the modern-day, rubies have been valued by cultures around the world. Many cultures have long considered ruby a stone of kings. Not surprisingly, ruby symbolism and lore have many associations with power and wealth.
We take a look at the extraordinary beauty of rubies that have continued to reign in power throughout history.

Over many years, magnificent rubies have been discovered and owned by royal families and auction houses.

Some ancient cultures believed that rubies, as well as other gemstones, grew on trees, just like fruit. The ruby is deemed to be the most precious of gemstones by the Bible and the ancient Sanskrit writings.
Ruby’s inner glow seems to hint that perhaps it contains an inner fire. This visual effect may have inspired some curious bits of lore. For thousands of years, ruby was considered the stone of love, energy, passion, power, and a zest for life. Like no other gemstone in the world, ruby is the perfect symbol for powerful feelings. Any jewelry that carries a ruby signifies so much passion and adoration.
Take a look at these Narcisa Pheres Fine Jewelry pieces that feature this magnificent gem!